Next week Mabry will be 4 months old! Ahhhh. All the growing and changing is happening so fast I feel like I should take tons of pictures everyday. You might wonder why she's never smiling in pictures. She is literally so enthralled with the camera that she can't. Doesn't matter which camera - phone, regualr, or video - as soon as she sees it she's like a vault with the smiles. She needs a lesson from some of her cousins.

And today I was just playing around with Photoshop...
pay no attention to the spit up under her mouth
I put her here in the sitting position to see how she would do because she loves to sit upright on our laps. She kept falling forward. Belly-heavy I guess. Then one time she feel backwards and just slid down into this position. She decided she liked the new lounger for awhile. Don't you just want to take a bite out of those legs!!

Here are some of the faces we see all day everyday.

Hard to believe she is 4 months already! Those eyes are beautiful.