Well there are a couple of pieces of good news today....
The Longhorns won! And I'm pretty sure it's because of this little fan.
And the blood culture is still negative as of this morning! Praise Jesus!!!
It's still possible to grow bacteria but unlikely after this point. So, we are counting today as Day3 and continuing to pray that the culture stays negative. Now, we are looking at putting in a PIC line to finish out the antibiotics so that we don't have to keep moving her IV. The medicine is pretty hard on the veins so the doctors have recommended this as a good option. It's basically like an IV except she won't have anymore leads to drag around. Yea! The bummer is they have to poke her again to get it in. But I think Mommy and Daddy are going to step out this time. We're tired of seeing that.
So, please keep praying for the blood culture to stay negative, and for the doctor to successfully and quickly put in the pic line so that Mabry's little body can take the medicine a little bit easier.
We had a pretty good night last night and actually got some good sleep. Thanks for those prayers! And keep 'em coming!
We love you all and are so thankful. God is faithful!