I know I have a TON of catching up to do from this summer - and I apologize. When my mom asked me today if I was ever going to do anything on this blog again, I figured I should get busy.
We started off the summer in Missouri for Edie's graduation! We are so proud of her! And she's going to keep going! We spent some good time with all the family even though it was a short visit.
Ava joined us at the zoo one day. Mabry did everything she did, including walk all over the place and climb stairs for the first time.
Spent. I wish you could see her entire outfit from this day...

Jeremiah was a part of Ben and Courtney Boyd's wedding and Mabry had a blast playing in all the flowers and dancing in the bubbles
the zoo again
We also made a few trips to the lake. This might be my favorite picture of them - I can't get over the hairdos :)
As you can see from the very top of the blog we spent a ton of time in the water this summer and Mabry loves it!
Jeremiah and I had a nice little get away to Austin, (Thanks Kristin!) where we stayed at Barton Creek Resort. Ty and Natalie met us one night for stuffed avocados - to. die. for.
We also had to say "see ya later" to our friends the Peabody's this summer. Good thing they are only 86 miles away though :) Love you guys!

Next up was our visit to East Texas. We stayed with our friends the Boddy's for a weekend (and this was the only picture somehow), and loved getting to hang out with them again.
Oops, back up to Makali's birthday party....
Mabry had to help her open all the presents, but this one was definitely her favorite. Maybe she'll take after her Momma!
Ok, back to East Texas. Mabry and I spent the next few days with Granny and Grandpa, and Mamma. This is a pretty accurate picture of what went on the whole time...:)
So sweet. I'll cherish this forever.
Lake again. That's Reid Pinson falling off the tube. Reid Pinson. Falling off.
And that wraps up most of our summer. I'm sure there are a few I left out and you can find more on facebook.
Currently Mabry is potting training...enough said....
I'm almost 25 weeks along and Collier is doing great! Growing growing! Dancing on my bladder.
Oh yeah - we got a new(er) car this week too! So don't look for me in old blue anymore. It's for sale by the way. I will now be rocking a different mom car - a red expedition with tan on the bottom. It's pretty sweet.
We started off the summer in Missouri for Edie's graduation! We are so proud of her! And she's going to keep going! We spent some good time with all the family even though it was a short visit.
Jeremiah was a part of Ben and Courtney Boyd's wedding and Mabry had a blast playing in all the flowers and dancing in the bubbles
Currently Mabry is potting training...enough said....
I'm almost 25 weeks along and Collier is doing great! Growing growing! Dancing on my bladder.
Oh yeah - we got a new(er) car this week too! So don't look for me in old blue anymore. It's for sale by the way. I will now be rocking a different mom car - a red expedition with tan on the bottom. It's pretty sweet.
Loved your pics Kasey! Mabry is a doll! And I was just at the Barton Creek Resort this weekend and it was fab!