Ok, I apologize for the lapse in blogging for the last few months.
Don't really have a good excuse, but alot has been going on. Mabry is now 1!! We can't believe it. Actually, she's already 13 months old - even crazier.
Rewind to Thanksgiving and that's where I'll pick up on the pictures and such. But you'll have to scroll down to the bottom and read backwards because the pictures are in order that way.
It's an issue I have with this Blogger world. And it most certainly isn't my fault for not adding them correctly.
So here we go.....
Scroll down to the bottom, remember!
And there you have it! 3 months in review.
Mabry is changing everyday. I'll try to get some recent pictures up soon, but you know how that goes....
She started walking in December, but really took off and got brave this last week. It's been fun.
She is saying several words and loves to learn something new.
Now, she's awake from her nap, so I better go. Hope you enjoyed!
And you can see a few of her 1 year pictures
(You're welcome, Mom)

And this was in the running for the funniest gift opened all week. Kelly REALLY wanted a Snuggie. She WANTED it. So weird, but hilarious to see her face light up as she opened the box.

Doesn't get better than this. Except Jeremiah's eyes could be open.
Oh well, I still love him to pieces.

Uncle Ty put this prize together for Mabry. Again, not sure what to think. She's kind of what some might call.....a chicken.

The Newlyweds. And Sunny.
He's a boy. Not a her.

Grandpa waited patiently, but he finally got to do his favorite thing :)

This is Christmas morning at Gram and Papaw's. Another toy to ride and push buttons on! Aren't those PJ's cute? Thanks Nana!

So much excitement made us hot. Ok let's face it, she's got alot to keep her warm :)

Can you say CUTE? Keitha made these little aprons for all the little girls. I wish I had one!
We are missing Ava because the crazy blizzard prevented them from getting there on time :(

Ok here we are at Christmas Eve - Mammy and Pappy's.
These girlies are hilarious and love to perform. Check out their new sassy outfits and HEELS.


Now this. This is why Ken and Edie spend Christmas in Texas (and in Lubbock at that :( ). This happened overnight on the 23rd/24th. This is our backyard - not a post card from Alaska.

Books books books. How we lovvvvvee books. The lady bug book is our favorite at the moment, and after she opened it she didn't care about anything else!

Yummy! My first cupcake! Even though I found half of it in the chair when she got out, I think she enjoyed it.

The balloons were a hit - thanks Daddy! We played with the cellophane one for at least 2 weeks.

Papaw wanted to have Mabry's party at his house so we did! It was family and a few of our best friends. Mabry got this chair from Gram and Papaw - she loves it now, but wasn't too sure about it at first. Can you see her shirt? Jaclyn sent it to her and it was hilarious. It says "I'm the birthday girl. Now give me some cake!" Love it!

Fastforward to December 23rd! Mabry's birthday! Nana and Papa Ken came down from Missouri just so they wouldn't miss it. While they were here we celebrated Christmas and this was Mabry's favorite toy! It turned out that Nana and Papa Ken would spend Christmas in Texas....stay tuned.

While we were there we had the chance to take some family photos! It was kind of an adventure as I set up the camera and Jeremiah's aunt pressed the button. We needed someone behind the camera to make this kids look and smile - it kind of worked.

Here we are with Jeremiah's brother Matt, Jaclyn, and sleeping Brody. We weren't so lucky....

Alrighty. We went to Missouri for our Thanksgiving break and spent the whole week there. We had some great time with our Missouri family. And we ate sushi! Here are our nephew Brodie and Mabry at the END of our Silver Dollar City adventure. It was COLD COLD and you can tell by their faces they were ready to leave. Mabry thought she couldn't move because she had so many layers on :)
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