Well, here we are after 11 amazing weeks! Everyday is so fun with Miss Mabry. She's alert to everything around her and just talks and grins and kicks her legs all the time. She also LOVES to take a bath but I don't have any pictures of that right now. It's on the list...
Her hand is her new favorite thing. Forget the sucker - let's see how much of my fist I can fit in here. And, our first big bow action. Her hair doesn't hold them in very well, and the headband doesn't work the best with hair but I thought it was cute for a couple of pictures.

She was definitely more concerned with her hand than smiling for me. Check out that belly!

The other day we went to get her up from her nap and this is position we found her in: Off the side of the wedge (those little velcro pads on there don't faze Moo Moo) she sleeps on and her head buried in the corner of the bumper pads. You can't see it but her left arm is sticking out the side of the crib! We thought it was hilarious and figured we should get a picture of this strange occurance, but she did it AGAIN after her next nap! Exactly the same. 3 times total. So, no more wedge.

She must be thinking, "Come on Mom, do I really look like I want to be sitting here???"

Big girl on Daddy's lap.

We were having a great converstation!

The Collier fam came to visit a couple of weeks ago. Uncle Ty is a natural, but we all knew that.

Kasey - great pictures. She sure is growing.