He's here! What a blessing this little man has already been!
This has been an incredible week for me and the Boatright family. We checked into the hospital on Thursday night after some yummy sushi for my last meal :)
Friday morning I was having some strong contractions on my own and we started the induction. It was really smooth sailing - I was pretty out of it but remember a few visitors.
Around 3 it was game time and at 3:38 our little man was here!

Everything went very smoothly and Collier is a healthy boy!

Mabry was not so sure about this whole hospital/baby brother thing. She was mostly concerned with watching Dora and eating candy.

This lasted for about 3 seconds...

Day 2

Day 4 - They are such morning people

First bath - He loved it can't you tell??

And, THE bathing beauty herself.

Mabry has adjusted well overall I think. She's had her moments but for the most part she likes to help with "baby" and hasn't shown too much jealousy. She's getting plenty of attention by doing everything she knows she's not supposed to. I can't believe how big she seems and how fast time has flown by since she was born. I just want to cherish all these sweet moments - even when they are hard. Ask me in about a week how that's going :)